[][src]Trait objc::Message

pub unsafe trait Message {
    unsafe fn send_message<A, R>(
        sel: Sel,
        args: A
    ) -> Result<R, MessageError>
        Self: Sized,
        A: MessageArguments,
        R: Any
, { ... }
fn verify_message<A, R>(&self, sel: Sel) -> Result<(), MessageError>
        Self: Sized,
        A: EncodeArguments,
        R: Encode
, { ... } }

Types that may be sent Objective-C messages. For example: objects, classes, and blocks.

Provided methods

unsafe fn send_message<A, R>(
    sel: Sel,
    args: A
) -> Result<R, MessageError> where
    Self: Sized,
    A: MessageArguments,
    R: Any

Sends a message to self with the given selector and arguments.

The correct version of objc_msgSend will be chosen based on the return type. For more information, see Apple's documentation: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ObjCRuntimeRef/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001418-CH1g-88778

If the selector is known at compile-time, it is recommended to use the msg_send! macro rather than this method.

fn verify_message<A, R>(&self, sel: Sel) -> Result<(), MessageError> where
    Self: Sized,
    A: EncodeArguments,
    R: Encode

Verifies that the argument and return types match the encoding of the method for the given selector.

This will look up the encoding of the method for the given selector, sel, and return a MessageError if any encodings differ for the arguments A and return type R.


let obj: &Object;
let sel = sel!(isKindOfClass:);
// Verify isKindOfClass: takes one Class and returns a BOOL
let result = obj.verify_message::<(&Class,), BOOL>(sel);
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impl Message for Class[src]

impl Message for Object[src]

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